Third Day - North Carolina State Fair
October 21, 2005
Nikon Concert Clips

Just click the pic to go to the clip, or right click/save as...

One thing I will say about standing right next to that huge wall of speakers,
the audio in these clips came out EXCELLENT! And who needs to
be able to hear out of one ear anyway?
That's why God gave us a spare, right? LOL :D

Opening walk-on, going into "I Got A Feeling"
(I like the way Mac pointed out all the LSU shirts to Geof. Very cool.)
10.1 mb / 38 seconds

"Come On Back To Me"
8.37 mb / 31 seconds

"Sing a Song"
(And it is at this point that I realize exactly how little of
Mark & Tai I'll most likely be seeing, unless I think fast...)
10.1 mb / 39 seconds

"I Believe"
11mb / 41 seconds
I don't follow this stuff, so the next two
are just for all you ACC fans out there.

Mac and Mark yakking about various ACC teams
Mac: "You're not doing so well, Mark..."
13.9 mb / 52 seconds

"...that's just not cool. I'm going to stop talking now..."
4.4 mb / 17 seconds

Tai's Dad's Birthday
"He reminds me all the time that if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here."
4.7 mb / 18 seconds

Time for more music - It's "Tunnel"! Yay!
9.46 mb / 36 seconds

A nice loooong "Communion" clip. It's all Brad and Mac though.
15.5 mb / 58 seconds

"Show Me Your Glory" (clip 1)
10.4 mb / 39 seconds

"Show Me Your Glory" (clip 2)
I finally took matters into my own hands and moved out
to where I could actually SEE to shoot this one. Came out GREAT!
9.05 mb / 34 seconds

"King of Glory" (clip 1)
Intro and the first verse
14.1 mb / 53 seconds

"King of Glory" (clip 2)
This was supposed to be a pic, but I forgot to switch camera settings,
so ended up with a very short clip of the last line of the song instead. :)
Still sounds good though, the way Mac's last guitar notes just hang out there.
3.58 mb / 13 seconds
These next two are for Bari.
Sorry I was on the wrong side of the stage for this! :(

Announcement that Geof is leaving, part 1
This is a LOOOONG clip, the 1st time I've ever
shot anything longer than a minute! :)
19.1mb / 1 minute 12 seconds

Announcement that Geof is leaving, part 2
Mac: "I might just join him, I'm getting kinda tired myself..."
8.3 mb / 31 seconds

Start of "You Are So Good To Me"
7.4 mb / 28 seconds

"Blackbird" clip 1
(And I honestly didn't think I GOT this one, SOO happy I did!)
5.4 mb / 21 seconds

"Blackbird" clip 2
"Won't you fly to heaven, and be saved today..."
5.7 mb / 22 seconds

"Blackbird" clip 3 - Band introductions
Alas, by the time my brain kicked into gear, I'd already missed Geof and Tai,
but DID get David (what WAS cracking Mac up so much!?!), Mark and Brad.
16.4 mb / 1 minute, 3 seconds

"Come Together" clip 1 (the intro)
Mac starts turning his invisible jumprope for Tai to jump, and eventually
attempts to switch to Double Dutch, with TWO invisible ropes. LOL
7.6 mb / 29 seconds

"Come Together" clip 2
Some good shots of everyone except David,
who was hidden behind the speakers
5.6 mb / 21 seconds

Probably the funniest clip of the bunch, tis a shame it refused to pull into focus.
But somehow the song got started, and Mac found himself without his guitar.
But even out of focus, you should get the gist of it. I LOVE this clip! :D
11.6 mb / 44 seconds

"Your Love Oh Lord" clip 1
Good shots of everyone this time, including David behind the speakers :)
9.7 mb / 37 seconds

"Your Love Oh Lord" clip 2
Mark's guitar solo, plus a little bit...
5.1 mb / 20 seconds
And then the inevitable happened, they played "Cry Out To Jesus",
and I teared up and started sniffling. I had a pet put to sleep right around
the same time this song was released, so when I sit down and listen
to the tunes off the new CD, as beautiful as this song is, I have to skip it. So I was kind of bracing for it in case they played it Friday night. They did. :(

"Cry Out To Jesus" clip 1
Mac talking about the new album and the song,
and Geof playing the keys behind him
19.9 mb / 1 minute, 14 seconds

"Cry Out To Jesus" clip 2
Mac's done talking now, and is now singing the song;
meanwhile I am trying to focus on working my camera
to avoid having my sniffling turn into a full fledged boohoo.
It worked (ain't technology grand?), and I ended up with a
couple of good clips and many photos from the song.
16.2 mb / 1 minute, 2 seconds

"Cry Out To Jesus" clip 3
It was almost like they sync'd the fireworks to the song there at the end;
I'm not sure, but it looked like they even caught Mac's
attention while he was singing.
Not a lot of band in the video, but still one of the most
effective clips I think I shot the whole night.
10.4 mb / 40 seconds

"My Hope Is You" clip 1
Look at all the people who squeezed right in there for the last song...
10.5 mb / 40 seconds

"My Hope Is You" clip 2
Just another 20 more seconds of the song. :)
5.1 mb / 20 seconds

End of show, they wave, David hands off his drumsticks
to people in the crowd, more waving, final bow,
Mac gives Geof a hug, more waving and schmoozing w/the crowd.
Awesome AWESOME show!
15.8 mb / 1 minute



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